
My research interests are located in the intersection of Empirical Economics, Applied Econometrics, as well as Machine Learning Methods in Causal Inference.

Working papers

The controlled choice design and private paternalism in pawnshop borrowing. Joint work with Francis DiTraglia, Craig McIntosh, Enrique Seira Bejarano and Joyce Sadka

Genericity of spaces with the extended García-Falset coefficient: $R(t,X)<1+t$ for some $t>0$

Inference in Synthetic Control Methods using the Robust Wasserstein Profile function


Bachelor Thesis in Economics (First place in Research Award ExITAM XXV): Confidence region via the RWP function: an application to synthetic control methods

Bachelor Thesis in Mathematics (in spanish) (Special mention in Research Award ExITAM XXV): Geometry of Banach Spaces and Fixed Point Theory

Technical notes/Surveys

Bandits and online optimization in infinite spaces. UMD spaces are UMD-learnable.

The Cameron-Martin Theorem.


tot_tut : Stata implementation for estimation of ToT & TuT using the design in “The controlled choice design and private paternalism in pawnshop borrowing” DiTraglia, McIntosh, Meza, Seira, Sadka

net install tot_tut, from( replace

fan_park : Stata implementation of sharp bounds on the distribution of treatment effects of a binary treatment developed in Fan, and Park (2009)

net install fan_park, from( replace